Monday, May 18, 2009

still work on it!!

i'm not so lucky ystrday...
can't attend metkuan class bcase i came late..not so late actually..
the class bgin at 9.30 and i came by 9.40 only 10 minus late and she not let me in!!! (T.T)
so frustrated.......

i really want to go home.,but i still hav to spread my Qsner at Ko Henky's class this afternoo (-_-)'

150 Quesioner need to spread

my fav. snack 4 my respondent
(hope they enjoy ^ ^ v. )

while i hav to finish my "duty"...
we (dea&me) decide to watch a movie.,with my library... ;p
don't get me wrong..i really want to do my skripsi., the time everyting feel so bored and wacth a movie seem a good idea xp

so...we make our own theater ^^
and we watch "Sex and The City" which really surprise me ( a little) bcase it really hav a sex scene on it (>.<)

Sex and The City's DVD

Monday, May 11, 2009

my Bday Dinner ^^

last Sunday., my fam and I go out to celebrate my Bday!! ^^
we had a dinner at Noodle Cafe

place : Noodle Cafe at Istana Plaza 2nd floor

nee-chanx & mumm

me ^^ v

dadd & my bro (edo)

and here they r our menu ^^
so bad..i frget d'name of each menu (T.T);

pangsit or smthing like that ;p

and this is... (hav no idea.. ;p)

mango salad...and no doubt but it! ^^

it's kind a ramen.., i guess

Thai soup a.k.a Tom Yam

at first i thought its some kind of mie (chines food) but it isn't...
its spaghetti =|
what kind of spaghetti?! don't ask me!

ice coffee w/ ice cream
yummy ^^

green tea

view from 2nd floor

my sist and i also buy an ice cream (yogurt ice cream) at smitten ^^

green tea flav. w/ almond topping

taro flav. w/ raisin
so delicious!! ^^

Saturday, May 9, 2009

new collection

i found myself hav new obsession to hairpin and hairband.,
and i bought some hairpin yesterday... ^^

from naughty

from Heart warmer

also from Heart warmer

this one not so new.,i bought it a couple weeks ago

from singgalang
(never used it yet)

my collection

saturday night at home...

....saturday..,and also a holiday (waisak)....and i'm here..,at home...can't go anywhere.,bcause i'm sick!!
so pathetic.. (T.T)
but..,i hav some new stuff.,ines gave it to me (^0^)
here they r :

a pillow with a Hello Kitty face on it ^^
(since my insomnia problem getting worse, i just hope that i can sleep on car)

a king crown
(totally hav no idea why i want it so much! ;) but it's so cute..even its not finish yet, i still hav to put some gem on it!)

Hello Kitty Ring
(d'scond time he gave me ^^)

Hello Kitty rock!! ^^ cute.,isn't she?!

i also hav a new cat on car (to bad its not the real one..,but its more than enough 4 now)

ines said.,that she mustache were weird (-_-);

any way., i would like to say thank you so very..very much.., to this man! ^^

~ ines ~

Thursday, May 7, 2009

my new stuff II

@ Up To Date
unik cropping blazer..,that's how i call it! ^^
krn bisa d'pke dengan tiga cara yg berbeda..,

yg pertama di pake utuh.. (kya yg trlihat d'foto)

tampilanya trlihat sprti blazer formal lengkap dengan vest

kedua, kerah & vest'ny di lepas

jd bolero biasa ^^

trakhir., vest yg td dilepas bs d'pakai trpisah

cropping vest ^^

my new stuff I

minggu kmrn mel sempet beli beberapa baju di 3 toko yg berbeda.,yang pertama mel beli di d'deKosmo MIT (Metro Indah Mall), yg k'2 mel beli d'Orange IP (Istana Plaza), yg trakhir..skaligus yg paling sedikit (cma bli 1 bju) d'Up To Date Ciwalk..
ini dia baju2nya:

@ deKosmo

ga trlau ska ama wrnanya..,tp krn ska bgt ama pitanya akhirnya mel beli..

my fav tee for now! ^^
i call it kaos Hyde (^0^)

dress bhn cute!!
@ Orange

efek wash d'denim kya'nya bkal 'in' lg deh! ^^

May, 6

plg kul..,mel k'sierra ama inez
some pic that i take :

tangga k'pintu msk
(hav no idea knp mel ambil foto tangga ini :|)

from balcony

salah satu view sierra yang menjual
(kok jd ngmong pke ya??!)

pngen'ny du2k d'salah stu meja itu..,tp krn br hujan jd balkon'nya basah (meja & krsinya jg basah!)

instore atmosphere of Sierra Cafe
(again...bhs marketing...apa blh buat.,brhubungan ma skripsi mel c! ;P)

inez & imel

snack for FREE!!
we call it "pangsit" ala prancis! wakakakaka ^^
(kampung beneur.. ;P)

Great Caesar Salad

Ice Coffee Sierra

Hot Lemon Tea
(standard bgt c?!)

Chiken Au Gratin
(gmn mel ga gendut cba?!)

Beef Teriyaki Bento
(hohoho...cma ines yang sanggup ngabisin!)

it's me ^^

it's me again ^^

and again ^^


let's go home!
(a.k.a jln menuju parkiran)


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